What Are the Benefits of Woodworking as a Hobby?

photo of a man turning wood.

I always enjoyed working with my hands, especially woodworking. There was something about the satisfaction of completing a project. Once, now that I’ve been woodworking for some time and know many woodworkers, I had time to think about the benefits of woodworking as a hobby. And I put together this article based on my experiences and research.

As a hobby, woodworking is satisfying since you are creating something useful that will last a long time. You can also make high-quality items you can sell to make money. Lastly, woodworking allows you to express your creative side and reduce stress.

It’s often hard to choose a hobby because they’re all so good, and no one has time to do all of them. So, whether you’re deciding to start woodworking or want to know more about its benefits, read on to discover the benefits woodworking offers that are similar to other hobbies and what makes it unique.

Benefit #1: It could save you money

Almost all of us would like to have money left over to buy something unplanned. And woodworking as a hobby offers just that.

You don’t need to hire a carpenter

Woodworking, carpentry, and joinery have a lot of overlapping skills. And can often be grouped as one overall craft.

When you are doing a small renovation around your home, you will need to hire a carpenter to do it for you. But, when you do woodworking as a hobby, you can use your existing skills to do the job, saving you money and time.

Be aware that there can be State and Federal building standards to ensure buildings are safe. Each State is unique, so it’s best to consult with a local lawyer before renovation.

You can make things you need around the home

Suppose you need a new chest of drawers or a curtain rail, for example, you can easily make yourself using your carpentry skills. Before I knew woodworking, my only option was to buy one and hire someone to install it. 

Sometimes it’s easier to hire someone if you don’t have the time. Having the option to make it yourself and making something custom and unique that is cooler than what you can buy in the shop is a benefit to woodworking.

Benefit #2: It makes you money

You can use your woodworking skills to start a side business that is both fun and very profitable. Or, sell pieces here and there when you feel like it. 

Even though they’re fun, some other hobbies can only be used to make money when you’re one of the best in the world. Or are far better than an average person. 

For example, skateboarding or tennis. Usually, people don’t want to pay money to watch average skateboarding or tennis. 

Here’s how to make money with a woodworking hobby:

  • Make products and sell them.
  • Offer your skills as a handyman.

Make products and sell them

You can find particular products that customers really like and will pay good money for. I have an article (Link Here) on some ideas for items you can make and sell.

There are many custom made items that people are willing to pay a lot of money. These include tables and furniture around the home. You can make these out of unique slabs that have interesting and unique grain. Of course, it might be easier to start with cupholders or something smaller and simpler.

There are also ornamental boxes such as cigar and jewelry boxes. When they are made very well, and perhaps with custom detailing that you provide via carving or engraving, they can command a high price.

The main thing with woodworking and most businesses is that it can take many hours to do each project. So, when you’re able to charge high prices, it’s easy to justify the time you spend doing something you love to do. So, for this reason, it is a benefit of doing woodworking as a hobby – you’re doing a hobby that you like to do, but you also make money from it – living the dream!

Offer your skills as a handyman

Although being a carpenter takes a few years as an apprentice before you feel confident doing it for someone else, handyman type jobs are usually straightforward. And you can utilize your woodworking skills to make some money on the side.

Typical handyman jobs involve fixing holes in the walls and making woodworking related repairs to parts of the house made of wood. There are also outdoor type jobs such as fixing a wooden fence or gate.

Once you develop your skills in woodworking, you feel comfortable doing these sorts of jobs. There are many good websites online where people request small handyman type jobs that could be a good fit for your skills. And you can check them quickly once a day for a few minutes to see if there are any you want to do.

An example is Taskrabbit.com.

Benefit #3: It is relaxing and reduces stress

As you may be aware, you feel best when you balance works with play and fun. If not, you can try it! But, I have found myself, and people report that working all day every day leads to burnout, and you feel less motivated to work until you have to take a day off.

Like other hobbies, Woodworking mixes up what you do every day, and that variety keeps your zest for your work and relationships with friends and family. But, there are other benefits to woodworking that are somewhat unique among hobbies you could choose to do.

Here’s what they are:

  • You get to burn off some steam.
  • You can express yourself creatively.

You get to burn off some steam

Exercise burns off your energy and releases endorphins. Which makes you feel more positive and happy. Other hobbies include playing cards and board games, sewing, and very much sit-down activities where you don’t move your body much and move around.

But, woodworking can be physically demanding when you have to hammer in nails, sand down edges, and carry wood from one side of your woodshop to another.

You can express yourself creatively

Although you do work from woodworking plans, once you master the basics, you can freely experiment and add interesting features to your projects. This is where woodworking becomes artistic, and you can add your own personality, thoughts, and feelings into your work.

Many people like expressing themselves creatively, and they have a natural need to ‘let their creative juices flow”. Some hobbies, bird watching or stamp collecting, don’t offer much room for creativity, and many people like this aspect of a hobby. So it is one of the benefits of woodworking as a hobby.


The benefits of woodworking as a hobby are that it:

  • makes you money
  • saves you money
  • it is relaxing and reduces stress.

If you’re interested in getting started in woodworking then read my articles:

[Can You Learn Woodworking on Your Own?] and [How Much Space Do I Need for a Wood Shop?], which cover the basics of woodworking.


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